At St Luke’s Hospital, caring for patients holistically encompasses not just the physical, but emotional and psychosocial aspects as well. Patients may have undergone surgery, amputation or suffer from chronic or life-threatening conditions which require constant medical or rehabilitative care. Our award-winning multi-disciplinary team comforts the sick, heals wounds and helps patients regain functional abilities.
Satisfaction Rate
(good and excellect ratings)
Your giving will better enable us to deliver holistic care to patients, and provide support to those from lower income or less privileged families. Each and every contribution goes a long way in enriching the lives of over 5,000 patients every year. As an Institution of a Public Character (IPC), please ensure your donation and details reach us by 31 December in order for the tax deduction to be reflected in your tax assessment the following year. All outright cash donations are eligible for 250% tax deduction.
Provide care for the whole person to inpatients in our wards, including dedicated dementia, wound and palliative wards, and rehabilitation gym.
Provide financial assistance for needy patients who need medical care, home modifications or transport.
Improve access to community healthcare through St Luke’s Community Clinic, Day Rehabilitation Centre and home care.
St Luke’s Hospital practises good stewardship in the use of its funds, ensuring that resources are channelled appropriately for the best outcomes.
Our fundraising efficiency ratio is 15%. All charities and IPCs are expected to keep their fundraising efficiency ratio below 30%. For fundraising expenses and donation details, please refer to our financial statements.
97% of our costs are for charitable activities (eg medical, nursing and rehabilitation care); the balance is for governance, fundraising, and other expenditure.
Only donation of medical equipment and diapers will be accepted based on a needs basis to prevent wastage.
Celebrate special occasions with a fundraiser and spread the joy of doing good. Consider organising fundraisers on birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas and other special occasions including sporting achievements.
Pray for our patients, wish them good health.
The 3 main modes of legacy giving are:
You may wish to nominate St Luke’s Hospital as a beneficiary of your CPF savings. Details can be found at CPF Nomination Scheme
Information for nomination:
You may have a desire to give to the community by allocating a gift in your will.
Information for will:
If the policy’s benefits are no longer required by you or your loved ones, you may wish to nominate “St Luke's Hospital” as the beneficiary of your insurance policy.
Information for nomination:
Contact for more information.